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The following classes are offered on an appointment basis. To schedule these classes Contact Sophia.  A 50% deposit is required to schedule a class, and please review the cancellation policy before scheduling.

Level One Certification Three Day Class

In order to become a certified instructor, you must successfully complete the Level One Certification course. This course is designed to provide an in-depth knowledge of Art Clay. The curriculum consists of seven different projects taught over 24 hours of instruction (typically three eight hour days), and covers a variety of techniques. Some of the techniques include use of organic forms, creating flat and round-shank rings, addition and firing of gemstones and porcelain, creating a mirror finish, and much more. This course provides general and technical information, as well as some helpful teaching guidelines. All material and book required to complete the class will be provided.  Tools are supplied for in class use only.  Class size is limited to 4 students. 

Senior Level Certification Four Day Class

The Senior Certification course is designed to provide advanced techniques as well as a creative challenge for the individuals who have completed Level One or Crossover Certification. There are a total of six projects taught over 32 hours (typically four eight hour days). This course teaches students to incorporate gold foil, glass, and fine silver bezel wire. It also introduces the use of three-dimensional design, with emphasis on detail and fine finishing. Successful completion of this course entitles you to apply for Senior Instructor Status. All material and book required to complete the class will be provided.  Tools are supplied for in class use only.  Class size is limited to 4 students. 

Art Clay World USA, approves and certifies instructors into the Senior Instructor community by reviewing an application and examining a selection of 3 pieces of original work.  The student has 30 days after the completion of the class to create the three evaluation pieces. The pieces submitted must reflect the techniques and skills the individual learned during their Art Clay education, as well as the ability to creatively design original pieces while following guidelines. A non-refundable $200 application fee is also required from anyone submitting for Senior Instructor status.  This is paid to Art Clay World and is not included in the class fee.

Upon approval the applicant will be entitled to:

  1. Discount on Art Clay Silver Series products (when purchased through ACW USA Inc.)
  2. Purchases over $500.00 may be granted "net 15" payment terms for accounts in good standing
  3. Teach all levels of Art Clay courses, including the Level One, Crossover and Senior Level 
  4. Teach Certification Courses

Crossover Certification 

The Crossover Certification course is intended for students who have already completed the Rio Grande Rewards Certification or the PMC Connection Level 2 certification.  The curriculum consists of three different projects designed to bridge the gap between PMS and ACS, and provide knowledge and skill with ACS specific materials and products. All material and book required to complete the class will be provided. Tools are supplied for in class use only.  Class size is limited to 4 students. 

All students that take a Crossover Certification will be required to submit the following items:

  • Proof of PMC Certificates (Rio Rewards certification or PMC Connection Level 2 certification)
  • Four completed metal clay work for evaluation.  This can include your certification projects as well as pieces completed out of class.

 Upon successful completion of the Level One or Crossover Certification course, you are entitled to:

  1. Discount on Art Clay Silver Series products (when purchased through ACW USA Inc.)
  2. Teach Art Clay Introductory classes
  3. Take the Senior Level Certification Course